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Aikataulu ja puhujat alempana

Pre-registration for the Institutional Day of #StopHatredNow 2024 is open.

The event is held at Taike’s facilities in Helsinki (Hakaniemenranta 6)
on Monday 13 May 2024 from 08:30-15:30

The program is curated for those working at or with different art and cultural institutions, but anyone interested in the topics is welcome to join.

Schedules / Aikataulu

  • 8.30–9:00
    Doors open, tea & coffee served

    9:00–9:15 WELCOME WORDS
    by Kaisa Rönkkö (Taike), Sonya Lindfors (UrbanApa) and Kemê Pellicer (UrbanApa)

    9:15–9:45 KEYNOTE | Role & Responsibility of Institutions in the Time of Multiple Crisis
    by Monica Ifelijika

    9:55-11:15 PANEL DISCUSSION + Q&A | Possible futures of art – discussion on the cultural policy report
    Panelists: Kaisa Rönkkö (Taike), Liisa Suvikumpu (OKM), Leonardo Custodio and TBA
    Moderated by: Sonya Lindfors

    11:15–12:15 LUNCH
    Self provided lunch (there are several restaurants in the area, we will attach a list with the registration confirmation letter.)


    12:30-13:45 PANEL DISCUSSION | From words to actions – nudging institutions towards best practices
    Panelists: Noora Dadu, Satu Herrala & Orlan Ohtonen
    Moderator: Sepideh Rahaa

    13:45–14:00 BREAK

    14:00–15:00 ROUNDTABLES (simultaneous roundtables, please choose one)

    1. Selkeät odotukset – miten työskennellä aliedustettujen ja marginalisoitujen yhteisöjen kanssa (FIN)
    fasilitaattorina UrbanApa

    2. Access, Advocacy And Active Inclusion – Pathways to Increasing Diversity in the Arts and Culture Field (AAA) (ENG)
    facilitated by Tatiana Solovieva (Globe Art Point), Letícia Stallone & Nicol Savignetti

    3. Discussing further – Finnish cultural politics and the cultural policy report (ENG)
    facilitated by OKM & Taike

    4. Miten saavutettavaa tilaa fasilitoidaan? (FIN)
    fasilitaattorina Isa Hukka

    15:00-15:30 WRAP UP & THANK YOU

    17:00–19:00 LIVE TYÖPAJA | Kohti parempaa vointia – työpaja freenlancereille
    Fasilitaattorina Heidi Naakka

    Ennakkoilmoittautuminen tällä lomakkeella

  • 10:00–10:10 WELCOME WORDS

    10:10–10:30 ARTISTIC CONTRIBUTION | Aka Niviâna Mørch Pedersen

    10:30–11:10 KEYNOTE | Intersectionality in 2024? by Quivine Ndomo

    11:10–11:15 MINI BREAK

    11:15–12:00 DISCUSSION | Indigenous justice & possible futures with Jenni Laiti & TBC

    12:00–12:45 KEYNOTE | New horizons of crip politics by Edwin Arsenio Ramirez

    12.45–13:15 LUNCH

    13:15–14:20 DISCUSSION | Where to start when everything is urgent – intersectionalities, priorities and empathy
    Panelists: Amy Gelera (S.U.R), Ali Akbar Mehta, Anna-Kaisa Koski
    Moderator: H Ouramo

    14:30 – 15:45 PANEL DISCUSSION | Are we there yet? – conversation on representations on Nordic stages
    Panelists: Camara Christina Lundestand Joof, Teo Ala-Ruona & TBA
    Moderator: Julian Owusu

    16:00–18:00 LIVE WORKSHOP
    | Questions That Were Asked Of Me
    Facilitator: Doǧa Çal & Henriikka Reitala
    Registration via this form

    16:00–17:30 ONLINE WORKSHOP | Culture For All Service: Accountability partner programme
    Facilitators: Ilaria Tucci and Arlene Tucker
    ENG & FIN
    Registration via this form

  • 10:00–10:10 WELCOME WORDS

    10:10–10:40 DIALOGUE / Turning in fo the day with TBA

    10.45–11:30 KEYNOTE + Q&A | Curating with care by Sascia Bailer

    11:30–12:30 DISCUSSION | Youth, curating and leadership
    Panelists: Publics youth
    Moderator: Micol Curatolo

    12:30–13:00 LUNCH

    13:30–15:00 DISCUSSION | On the move – focus on the changing ecosystem of art
    Panelists: Naja Lee Jensen, Jenni-Elina von Bagh , Sonya Lindfors & TBA
    Moderator: Heidi Backström

    16:00-16:45 GUIDED EXHIBITION TOUR | Tschabalala Self “Around the way”
    LIVE at EMMA — Espoo Museum of Modern Art

    17.00 -18.30 HYBRID PANEL DISCUSSION | Representation & Prejudice. The politics of being seeing/being visible
    Panelists: Päiviö Maurice Omwami & Wanda Holopainen
    Moderator: Monica Gathuo
    at EMMA—Espoo Museum of Modern Art

  • 10:0–10:10 WELCOME WORDS

    10:15–11:00 DIALOGUE | On art, activism and activation with Daniela Ortiz & Ranjit Kandalgaokar

    11:00–11:40 KEYNOTE | All art is political - on entanglements of art and activism
    Keynote speaker: TBA

    11:45–13:00 KEYNOTE + Q&A | All eyes on Palestine
    by Majed Abusalama (Sumud)

    13:00–13:30 LUNCH

    13:30–14:45 PANEL DISCUSSION | How to start a fire and how to keep it burning?
    Panelists: Anna Karima Wane, Iiris Laisi & Shareef Askar
    Moderator: Pasilaiti Simayijiang

    14:45–15:00 BREAK

    15:00–15:30 PRESENTATION | How to become a learning organization? Case example of ArtSocialSpace Brunnenpassage, Speaker: Fariba Mosleh
    Host: Ceyda Berk-Söderblom

    15:30–16:15 DISCUSSION + Q&A | How do we become a learning institution?
    Speaker: Fariba Mosleh
    Host: Ceyda Berk-Söderblom

    17:30 –19:00 ONLINE WORKSHOP | Whiteness workout
    facilitator: Lehmus Murtomaa
    ENG / FIN
    Registration via this form

  • 10:00–10:10 WELCOME WORDS

    10:10–10:30 ARTISTIC CONVERSATION with Abdullah Qureshi & Phan Nguyen
    Facilitator: Kemê Pellicer

    10:30–11:45 PANEL DISCUSSION | Hope in the dark
    Panelists: TBA

    11:45–12:00 WRAP UP

    12:30–14:00 ONLINE WORKSHOP | Dreaming of (im)possible futures – collective dreaming practices
    Fasilitator: Sonya Lindfors
    ENG / FIN

  • Phan Nguyen & Abdullah Qureshi | Actions & empathy — dreams materialising into reality
    Titanik, Itäinen Rantakatu 8, Turku

    Näyttelyavajaiset torstaina 2.5. klo 17–19. Tervetuloa!
    Exhibition opens on Thursday 2 May 2024 at 17-19. Welcome!

    Phan Nguyenin performanssi perjantaina 17.5. klo TBA
    Performance by Phan Nguyen on Friday 17 May at TBA

    Tänä vuonna Titanik osallistuu #StopHatredNow tapahtumaan kuratoriaalisen yhteistyön ja yhteisnäyttelyn muodossa jaetulla teemalla Actions & empathy.

    Näyttely tuo yhteen kaksi taiteilijaa, Phan Nguyenin ja Abdullah Qureshin, jotka ovat
    osallistuneet ja kontribuoineet diskurssiin empatiasta. Heidän teoksensa kaikuvat kuin temppelin äänikutsut, jotka protestoivat ja vastustavat koloniaalista, cis-heteronormatiivista katsetta praktiikalla, joka juhlii, nauttii, lepää, unelmoi ja huolehtii. Kutsuva laulu, joka toisten siihen liittyessä laajenee vahvempana. Nguyenin ja Qureshin töissä kaiut, väreet ja koputukset luovat yhdistyessään spekulatiivisia tiloja intersektionaaliselle empatialle, jotka värähtelevät utopioiden ja konkretian välillä –
    unelmat materialisoituvat todellisuudeksi.

    This year, Titanik is joining the #StopHatredNow platform through a curatorial collaboration and joint exhibition on the shared theme of Actions and empathy.

    The exhibition brings together two artists, Phan Nguyen and Abdullah Qureshi, who have participated and contributed to the discourse around empathy. Their works keep reverberating like sound calls to a temple that protests and resists the colonial, cis- heteronormative gaze through the practice of celebration, enjoyment, resting, dreaming and caring. An inviting chant that expands stronger as others join in it. The echoes, ripples, and knocks in Nguyen’ sand Qureshi’s work merge to create a speculative space for intersectional empathy that oscillates between the utopic and the concrete—dreams materialising into reality.

Speakers / Puhujat

Abdullah Qureshi

Aka Niviâna

Ali Akbar Mehta

Anna Ruth

Anna Karima Wane

Anna-Kaisa Koski

Amy Gelera

Arlene Tucker

Daniela Otiz

Camara Lundestad Joof

Ceyda Berk-Söderblom

Edwin Arsenio Ramirez

Doğa Çal

Fariba Mosleh

Hanna Järvinen

Gabriella Presnal

H Ouramo

Heidi Backström

Heidi Naakka

Henriikka Reitala

Iiris Laisi

Illaria Tucci

Isa Hukka

Jagana Khasdorj

Jessica Eboreime

Jenni Laiti

Jenni-Elina von Bagh

Julian Owusu

Kaisa Rönkkö

Kemê Pellicer

Laiba Shafiq

Lehmus Murtomaa

Leonardo Custodio

Majed Abusalama

Letícia Stallone

Liisa Suvikumpu

Micol Curatolo

Monica Gathuo

Monica Ifejilika

Naja Lee Jensen

Nicol Savignetti

Noora Dadu

Phan Nguyen

Orlan Ohtonen

Pazilaiti Simayijiang

Päiviö Maurice Omwami

Ranjit Kandalgaokar

Quivine Ndomo

Ramesh Kumar

Sacramento Rosello

Sascia Bailer

Satu Herrala

Sepideh Rahaa

Shareef Askar

Sonya Lindfors

Viktoria Popovics

Tatiana Solovieva

Teo Ala-Ruona

Wanda Holopainen